My thesis project is getting close to its culmination. The date of the public defence was agreed already in January with my opponent, Dr. Jari Varjo from the Finnish Forest Research Institute. Since the (positive) pre-examiner comments arrived three weeks ago and the faculty board granted me a permission to print the thesis, there have been plenty of things to arrange. Before the editor of Dissertationes Forestales could accept the manuscript, the style had to be exactly as the instructions said. The book had to be printed ten days before the defence, and I was very happy when Kopijyvä could arrange the printing very quickly, and I could send the books forward eight days after the first contact with printers. Electronic version is also now online. In addition, I have this far prepared the post-doctoral party, written a press release and visited a photographer. A few things still remain, such as delivering the book to the Rector, writing the "lectio praecursoria", and finally, renting a dress coat for the big day. The preceding week will be devoted to going through everything once more in order to be ready for the examination.
I welcome everyone to follow the debate in the auditorium BOR100 of the University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistokatu 7, Joensuu, on 15th April 2011, at 12 o’clock noon!
I welcome everyone to follow the debate in the auditorium BOR100 of the University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistokatu 7, Joensuu, on 15th April 2011, at 12 o’clock noon!
This is going to be an excellent PhD defense -- I really recommend that you all come and listen to Lauri (and his opponent)!
Note that the language will be Finnish, so maybe its not worthwhile to come from abroad...
Hei onnea väittelijälle! Ennen sitä tuntuu kamalalta, mutta helpotus tuntuu vielä kuusi vuotta väitöksen jälkeenkin (ainakin minun tapauksessani). Tervehtii laitteitasi lainannut lumitutkija.
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