Saturday, October 13, 2007

Not too successful measurements

Sometimes measurements fail. Especially if carrying them out successfully requires certain kind of weather. And if the certain kind of weather you are waiting for is a standard overcast sky (and especially no rain!). And if it's September or October at our latitudes.

From this introduction you can already guess that my LAI-2000 measurements in Järvselja turned out non-existent last week. I've been carrying out a series of measurements to catch the seasonal change in LAI (and reflectance): first measurements at the study plots were made already in April before budburst, the next ones in July with fully developed foliage. My purpose was to catch the final situation too: yellow (or red) leaves or green needles in early October. But it rained. And rained. And rained. And I got absolutely no measurements done even though I spent hours with the instruments and my field assistant sitting in the car next to the reference site, waiting for the rain to stop. The good news is that while we sat in the car, we ate a lot of sandwiches, cookies and bananas - at least we didn't go hungry...

I must admit that I was quite frustrated not to get the last set of measurements done. But there is nothing I can do about that - the leaves are now on the ground, turning brown. And I'm already waiting for next year and new measurements - I guess.

Leaving the car for a few minutes to see if the rain had stopped. But no, it hadn't...

Field assistant playing with autumn leaves in the rain.

Järvselja in October.

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